**** CANCELED ****
Join us October 21st for our 16th Annual Golf Tournament. Located at the beautiful Antioch Lonetree Golf and Event Center. Enjoy playing a round of golf, take a gamble on the “ Money Hole” , purchase some raffle tickets for some awesome prizes followed by a delicious lunch .
Date: Monday October 21st
Place: Lone Tree Golf Course
4800 Golf Course Road
Antioch, CA 94531
▪ Check–in
▪ Collect your gift bag
▪ Get a free bucket of range
▪ Take the putting challenge on the practice green and win prizes
8:15 a.m.: Attend Pre-Gathering
(At the overhang by the driving range)
Tee Time: 9:00AM
Shotgun Start
Scramble Format
Cost: $120 per Golfer*
Deadline: October 15th
• Closest to the Hole
• Longest Drive
• 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes for the first three foursomes
*Proceeds for this event will go toward the continued development of our community outreach programs at our Antioch Covenant Church. We would like to thank you in advance for your support and encouragement.
On Monday October 21st
Antioch Covenant Church is hosting our annual golf tournament. This year is our 16th annual tournament . The tournament will be a scramble format. We will have a closest-to-the-pin contest on one par three hole and a longest drive contest on a par five hole!
* String Advantage *
Your foursome can purchase up to
20 feet of string at $1 per foot that you can use to move your ball to a better lie or closer to the hole. It does not have to all be used at once but once that portion of the string is used it cannot be used again.
Mulligan: You can purchase one mulligan for $5 to use at your discretion, with a maximum of 4 mulligans per group.
Included in your event price:
• Welcome bag of golf accessories & necessities including a sleeve of balls
• 1 round of golf with a cart
• A bucket of driving range balls to practice before your round
• A chance to win some great prizes
• Scramble format
• Shotgun start
• After event lunch!!
• Raffle prizes.
• Fun, fun, fun!!!
City Zip
Cell Phone #
$120.00 per Golfer $
Sponsor Donation $
Total: $
If you are part of a foursome,
please list other golfers:
Please send to:
Antioch Covenant Church
Attn: Golf Tournament Dir.
1919 Buchanan Road
Antioch, CA 94509
Please make out your check to:
Antioch Covenant Church
Register on-line at
Pay by clicking on donations and make your list “golf tournament” in the memo line
Email us at: antiochcovenant@yahoo.com
Venmo @ ACC-church-121
Post-Golf Gathering
- Award Presentation
➢ 1st, 2nd and 3rd Foursomes
➢ Closest to the Hole (Par 3)
➢ Longest Drive (Par 5) - Taqueria Lunch
- Silent Auction of Prizes
➢ Sports memorabilia
➢ Sports Gear
➢ Gift Cards
➢ Gift Baskets
➢ Electronics
Gladly accepting donations for our silent auction and post-golf gathering including donations of food or drinks.
Additional Support Opportunities
You can support Antioch Covenant Church and promote your business by sponsoring a hole. We will provide the advertising for you by placing a sign with your business name at a hole. Here’s the deal:
$300 – Silver level
$400 – Gold level
$500 – Diamond level