Children are held in the highest regard by God. We at ACC believe the absolute single most important element of a child’s life is to be in relationship with Jesus. We encourage making weekly worship a family priority, as doing so demonstrates to our kids the vital model of centering our lives around Jesus. Being in community with believers we find that sense of connection .Children’s programs are offered during the 9:00am service on Sunday mornings .Families will begin in the main sanctuary, singing songs of praise and connecting with others. After they are dismissed children up through the 1st grade will learn about God through crafts , a Bible lesson , snacks and fun playing in the preschool room. Kids 2nd grade through the 5th will find an intentionally designed time of learning about God in our Larson Hall. Here they will have a Bible story ,play games , create art or even conduct fun and safe science experiments. Sometimes snack making is even on the agenda .